
PPE Supply Implementation Project Board


This group is no longer active.


The project aim is to develop the product design and implement new pandemic PPE (personal protective equipment) supply and resilience arrangements in Scotland, and to produce PPE pandemic preparedness guidance, specifically:

  • developing and publishing two sets of pandemic preparedness guidance. The first to outline the steps those organisations not included in the collaborative procurement arrangements can take to put in place their own pandemic PPE stockpile and/or surge capacity and secondly to outline the PPE stand up arrangements in the event of a future pandemic for collaborative working both within SG and for working with stakeholders
  • developing and implementing a full service delivery and financial model for the new pandemic PPE supply arrangements, including the joint procurement of pandemic PPE within the public sector, an integrated stockpile and a surge capacity
  • ensuring the lessons learned from the COVID-19 pandemic are considered and implemented into the development and operation of the new supply arrangements
  • engage with existing and potential stakeholders who may be interested in taking part in the collaborative arrangements being put in place


The group is comprised of five workstreams:

  1. Inbound supply
  2. Data and finance
  3. Surge capacity
  4. Stakeholder engagement
  5. Service delivery and infrastructure


The group aim to begin implementing collaborative procurement, surge capacity and stockpile arrangements from the start of the 2023-24 financial year with guidance available shortly after.


  • Alan Morrison, Interim Deputy Director Health Infrastructure, Investment and PPE, Scottish Government
  • Graeme Cook, Head of Scottish Government Procurement Services, Scottish Government
  • Gordon Beattie, Director of National Procurement, Procurement, Commissioning and Facilities, NHS National Services Scotland
  • Michael Healy, Emergency Preparedness, Resilience and Response (EPRR) Division, Scottish Government


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