
Refugee integration: New Scots Core Group


The New Scots refugee integration strategy is built on partnership and collaboration, led by the Scottish Government, COSLA and the Scottish Refugee Council, and involves a wide range of partners across different sectors. 

The New Scots Core Group brings together key stakeholders and is responsible for monitoring and reviewing progress against the overarching outcomes of New Scots during the strategy implementation period. The group is comprised of representatives of these partner organisations along with the co-chairs from the six New Scots theme groups: Needs of asylum seekers, Housing, Employability, Health and Wellbeing, Education and Language, and Communities, Culture and Social Connections. It generally meets four times a year.

The New Scots partnership has committed to developing a refreshed New Scots refugee integration strategy, building on the pioneering and collaborative approach of the existing strategy, to continue to support refugees, asylum seekers and communities across Scotland. The New Scots Core Group is playing a key role in shaping this and in ensuring that New Scots continues to be shaped by refugees and people seeking asylum, as well as those with expertise supporting them.

The group is chaired by Professor Alison Phipps, UNESCO Chair in Refugee Integration through Languages and the Arts at the University of Glasgow.


  • Chair: Professor Alison Phipps, UNESCO Chair in Refugee Integration through Languages and the Arts at the University of Glasgow 

Representatives from:

  • COSLA, Migration, Population and Diversity Team
  • Bridges Programmes
  • British Red Cross
  • Creative Scotland
  • Department for Work and Pensions 
  • Mental Health Foundation
  • Police Scotland
  • Scottish Government, Ukraine Resettlement
  • Scottish Government, Asylum and Refugee Integration 
  • Scottish Refugee Council


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