
Residential Rehabilitation Working Group


The Scottish Government strategy ‘Rights, respect and recovery: Scotland’s strategy to improve health by preventing and reducing alcohol and drug use, harm and related deaths’ (published November 2018) set out Ministers’ expectations for developing recovery orientated systems of care. The aim is that people who need it are able to access and benefit from effective, integrated person centred support to achieve their recovery. This included access to residential rehabilitation services.

The Scottish Government published its subsequent action plan for the rights, respect and recovery strategy in October 2019. The plan includes actions to support the development of more effective services across Scotland, including residential rehabilitation. 

The Residential Rehabilitation Working Group was established in June 2020 to advise Scottish Ministers on a programme of work to ensure the provision of drug and alcohol residential rehabilitation services across Scotland and to ensure that everyone who requires has access to it. This will include summarising existing drug and alcohol residential rehabilitation services across the 31 IJBs in Scotland and identification of good practice examples:

  • to deliver a review of existing pathways in, through and out of drug and alcohol residential rehabilitation, including identifying barriers and opportunities
  • to set out models of funding and delivery of residential rehabilitation treatment
  • to provide practical advice to Scottish Ministers on evidence and tools to anticipate service demand and uptake to support capacity planning
  • to provide support to the Drug Deaths Taskforce in tests of change work to reduce deaths and improve access to residential rehabilitation
  • to explore the potential for a national approach to measuring the success of residential rehabilitation services


  • Dr David McCartney, Chair
  • April Adam, Fife Integrated Joint Board 
  • Annemargaret Black, Chief Officer for Clacks and Stirling
  • Graeme Callander, Scottish Government
  • Angela Morgan, Community Justice Scotland
  • Justina Murray, Scottish Families Affected by Alcohol and Drugs
  • David Pentland, Via Change Team
  • Jardine Simpson, Scottish Recovery Consortium
  • Dr Zoe Stanley, Consultant Clinical Psychologist
  • Vaughan Statham, Prison Care Network
  • Rosemary White, North Ayrshire Alcohol and Drug Partnership
  • Lyndsey Wilson Hague, Phoenix Futures Residential Rehabilitation Service


Residential Rehabilitation Working Group: terms of reference

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