
Scotstat crime and justice committee


This group is no longer active.


The Scottish Government consults users and providers of the statistics which relate to Crime and Justice via the Crime and Justice Committee. The main objective of the Committee is:

  • Through liaison between users and providers of statistics on crime and justice: to identify the key strategic statistical information required by all interested parties; and to develop and implement a strategy for prioritising and meeting these needs while minimising the burden on data suppliers and maintaining data quality fit for purpose.


The objective of the Crime and Justice Committee is:

  • Through liaison between users and providers of statistics on crime and justice: to identify the key strategic statistical information required by all interested parties; and to develop and implement a strategy for prioritising and meeting these needs while minimising the burden on data suppliers and maintaining data quality fit for purpose.

In particular the committee will: -

  • Maintain an overview of the need for, quality, availability and dissemination of statistics on crime and justice.
  • Initiate and take reports from working groups set up to review or develop statistical sources and dissemination methods in relation to crime and justice.
  • Contribute to and comment on the relevant parts of the Scottish Government Annual Statistics Plan.
  • Consider specific issues raised by the ScotStat board.
  • Produce an annual report for the ScotStat board, covering the work of the committee and its working groups.
  • Nominate a representative for the ScotStat board and report annually to the board on the work of the committee.
  • Contribute to discussion/ work on cross-cutting issues with other ScotStat committees.
  • Review the membership of the committee to ensure representation of key interests in statistics on crime and justice.
  • The Committee will meet at least twice a year prior to ScotStat board meetings. Members and interested users will be kept in touch with progress through the Crime and Justice ScotStat pages .
  • Membership of the committee aims to be wide ranging covering all key user/ provider interests in statistics on crime and justice. Where a committee member represents a particular user/ provider community, he/ she will provide liaison with that community gauging the views of the community when the work of the committee requires this.

Archival documentation relating to the crime and justice committee may be found at the National Records of Scotland's internet archive of the Scottish Government's website.


The table details the membership of the Crime and Justice Committee:

Neil Grant* Scottish Government - JAS
Phillipa Haxton* Scottish Government - JAS
Jenny Leishman* Scottish Government - JAS
Sarah MacQueen* Scottish Government - JAS
David Smith* Scottish Government - JAS
Natalie Goddard Audit Scotland
Gemma Fraser Community Justice Scotland
Samantha Whipp Community Justice Scotland
Tony McCartan Crown Office and Procurator Fiscal Service
Stephen Tidy Her Majesty's Inspectorate of Constabulary in Scotland
Kirsteen Green LA Social Work Statistics
Vicky Wood LA Social Work Statistics
Mark Hollinsworth Police Scotland
Tina Ward Police Scotland
Prof Susan McVie*** Scottish Centre for Criminal Justice Research
Donald Lamb Scottish Children's Reporter Administration
Janette Purbrick Scottish Courts & Tribunal Service
to be advised Scottish Fire and Rescue Service
Matt Taylor Scottish Legal Aid Board
Jackie McKelvie Scottish Police Authority
Raymond McIntyre** Scottish Police Authority
Andrew Bell Scottish Sentencing Council

*Rotating Chair

**Papers only

*** Represents the Crime and Justice Theme at the ScotStat Board



If you would like to be contacted by email about work relating to Crime and Justice Statistics, or about the work of the Scottish Government Statistics Group more generally, you can register with ScotStat to receive updates. More information on ScotStat can be found on the ScotStat homepage, including a feedback form and information on the work of the ScotStat Board.

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