Scottish Aquaculture Council


We published the Blue Economy Vision in March 2022 which sets out six long term outcomes for our marine environment, for people and our economy. The outcomes describe a high-level ambition for transformative change in the way we use our oceans, which recognises the benefit of the natural capital which our seas provide and the importance of creating a step change in how we value our marine environment and its sustainable use. 

We are committed to a sustainable, diverse, competitive and economically viable aquaculture industry, which operates within environmental limits, with social licence and which ensures there is a thriving marine ecosystem for future generations. 

In order to help Ministers deliver their commitments the Scottish Aquaculture Council (SAC) was formed to respond to the unique benefits, opportunities and challenges of the salmon, trout, shellfish and seaweed farming sectors.

The SAC met for the first time on 27 June 2022. The minutes for the meetings will be made publicly available following agreement at the SAC. Information will be made available on this website.  


The purpose of this group is to: 

  • collaborate and act in an advisory capacity to Scottish Ministers to help deliver the Government’s aspirations for the sector and ensure that Scotland’s aquaculture sector is supported, innovative, achieves its full potential, and operates within environmental limits and with social licence, ensuring there is a thriving marine ecosystem for future generations
  • enhance Scottish Government engagement with the aquaculture sector and key stakeholders 
  • provide advice to Ministers on the delivery of their commitments, including the development of the Scottish Government-led Vision for Sustainable Aquaculture with an enhanced emphasis on environmental protection and community benefit, continued progress of the Bute House Agreement commitments and the next stages of the regulatory review


The membership of this group will be as follows (this may be reviewed to ensure it is appropriate to task).

  • Ms Gougeon, Cabinet Secretary for Rural Affairs and Islands, Chair 
  • Ms McAllan, Minister for Environment and Land Reform 
  • Salmon Scotland 
  • Salmon Scotland and Cooke Aquaculture Scotland 
  • Salmon Scotland and Mowi Scotland
  • British Trout Association  
  • Association of Scottish Shellfish Growers 
  • Scottish Seaweed Industry Association  
  • Sustainable Aquaculture Innovation Centre 
  • Fisheries Management Scotland  
  • Scottish Environment, LINK  
  • Marine Conservation Society
  • Highlands and Islands Enterprise  
  • Independent Reviewer  
  • Scottish Environment Protection Agency  
  • NatureScot  
  • Crown Estate Scotland  
  • Convention of Scottish Local Authorities
  • Marine Scotland
  • Environment and Forestry
  • Environmental Quality and Resilience
  • Chief Planner
  • Chief Scientific Adviser 
  • Chief Veterinary Officer


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