Scottish City Region and Growth Deal Delivery Board


The Scottish City Region and Growth Deal Delivery Board is a joint UK Government and Scottish Government Board with responsibility for:

  • providing assurance and advice to Ministers regarding the Scottish City Regions and Growth Deals programme
  • the oversight, monitoring and successful implementation of Scottish City Region and Growth Deals, including the effective monitoring of issues and risks relating to the programme, in accordance with best practice and any recommendations issued by auditors or the National Audit Office (NAO)

The remit of the board includes:

  • monitoring and supporting the successful implementation of Scottish City Region and Growth Deals from the point of signing Heads of Terms, by assessing delivery against agreed implementation plans
  • overseeing and supporting the development of project business cases post Heads of Terms
  • agreeing common government positions and/or required mitigations to manage developing issues, risks or slippage to a deal or specific project
  • agreeing, as far as is possible, common negotiating positions with the relevant localities that will underpin the conclusion of new city region and growth deals within Scotland


Core membership is as follows (with additional attendees as appropriate):

  • Scottish Government, Regional Economic Development, Deputy Director
  • UK Government, Office of the Secretary of State for Scotland, Deputy Director
  • UK Government, Cities and Local Growth Unit, Deputy Director
  • Her Majesty’s Treasury/Scottish Government Finance representatives
  • other UK or Scottish Government departmental/directorate representatives as required


Scottish City Region and Growth Deals Delivery Board: terms of reference

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