Scottish Energy Networks Strategic Leadership Group


The Scottish Energy Networks Strategic Leadership Group will provide advice and recommendations on the key challenges and opportunities facing these networks, the options for addressing them, and the ways in which the networks can support the Scottish Government’s energy ambitions and elimate change priorities.

 In particular the group will support the Scottish Government in understanding how energy networks will:

  • help deliver net zero by 2045 in Scotland
  • support the development of a strong green economy
  • ensure that decarbonisation of the energy system leads to a Just Transition


The Energy Networks Strategic Leadership Group [SLG) will be chaired by the Scottish Government and will consist of senior representatives from key networks stakeholders and organisations.

The group will appoint a co-chair. 

The group will be joined by relevant Scottish Government officials.

The membership is as follows: 

  • Scottish Government
  • Independent - Prof. Keith Bell (Co Chair), University of Strathclyde
  • Independent - Trisha McAuley, OBE, Independent consumer expert
  • ScottishPower Energy Networks (SPEN)
  • Scottish and Southern Electricity Networks (SSEN)
  • National Grid Electricity System Operator (NGESO)
  • Scotland Gas Networks (SGN)
  • National Gas Transmission
  • Ofgem


Scottish Energy Networks Strategic Leadership Group: terms of reference

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