Scottish Marine Energy Industry Working Group


This group is no longer active.


The Scottish Marine Energy Industry Working Group was established in February 2017 to help ensure that Scotland maintains its competitive advantage in marine energy and continues to contribute to the global development of an industry that will help to reduce carbon emissions, improve energy security, and contribute to economic prosperity.

The group will meet up to four times a year for two years.



  • Minister for Business, Innovation and Energy

Tidal technology developers

  • Cameron Johnstone, Nautricity
  • Simon Forrest, Nova Innovation
  • Brendan Corr, OpenHydro
  • Jeremy Smith, QED Naval
  • Andrew Scott, Scotrenewables
  • Hans van Breugel, Tocardo

Wave technology developers

  • Simon Grey, AWS Ocean Energy
  • Patrik Moller, CorPower
  • Heikki Paakkinen, Wello Oy

Project developers

  • Tim Cornelius, Atlantis Resources Ltd
  • Simon de Pietro, DP Energy

Test facility

  • Neil Kermode, European Marine Energy Centre

Trade bodies

  • Rémi Gruet, Ocean Energy Europe
  • Barnaby Wharton, RenewableUK
  • Claire Mack, Scottish Renewables
  • Neil Gordon, SubseaUK


  • Henry Jeffrey, University of Edinburgh

Public sector observers

  • Crown Estate Scotland
  • Highlands and Islands Enterprise
  • Marine Scotland
  • Scottish Development International
  • Scottish Enterprise
  • Wave Energy Scotland
  • Scottish Government (secretariat – two representatives)


Scottish Marine Energy Industry Working Group: terms of reference

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