
Scottish National Investment Bank: Ministerial Advisory Group


The Scottish National Investment Bank Act (2020) requires the Scottish Government to establish and support a group to advise ministers on the conduct, performance and objects of the bank.

The group was established in October 2024 to add further value to the assurance mechanisms already in place. The Deputy First Minister invited a small number of individuals with a broad range of knowledge and expertise relevant to the role to form the advisory group.

It is accountable to Scottish ministers (and the shareholder team as a representative of Scottish ministers) and not to the bank board. It is not a replacement for, or replication of, the bank’s governance structures and will not alter the bank’s operational independence.  

It is intended that the group will run until the end of the current parliamentary term, with an option to refresh membership and remit at that point.

The group will draw on a range of available documents and evidence to develop its views and advice.

Find out more about the Scottish National Investment Bank.


The group has six members and will be Chaired by a Scottish Government official at Director or Deputy Director level.

The members have specific knowledge of areas within which the bank operates, and of the public body legislative requirements of it. 

Core membership of the group includes those with knowledge of: 

  • investment
  • trade union representation
  • business scale up
  • equalities and inclusive growth
  • impact investing 


  • John Glen
  • Roz Foyer
  • Irene Graham
  • Maggie Craig
  • Nathan Elstub
  • Emma Congreve

Read the members' biographies.



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