Social Security Communications and Engagement Partnership Group


This group is no longer active.


The Communications and Engagement Partnership Group will provide a forum to bring together experts and practitioners in developing and delivering Scottish social security communications objectives. It will provide a network for the Scottish Government and its partners to engage in a meaningful, coordinated and on-going basis. Organisations are invited to participate based on their ability and capacity to reach a range of networks and audiences as well as for their knowledge and understanding of the groups who will be impacted by the new powers that they represent and support.


The key objectives are:

  1. Co-ordination, reach, messaging and signposting - To help build understanding of social security in civic and wider Scotland using existing networks and effective, consistent, factual messaging.

  2. Sharing best practice - On reaching out to people, and communicating key milestones and activities with a view to ensuring that all those with an interest and who will be impacted by the new powers are fully engaged and well-informed.

  3. Partnership - To share information, updates and future plans on the work of Social Security in Scotland to build a shared awareness of our complementary action and shared outcomes.

Meetings and format

  • the Group will meet a minimum of 4 times a year (every 3 months). Additional meetings or correspondence may be required at various times throughout the lifespan of the group. This may include the formation of short life working groups.
  • agreed dates for the forthcoming meetings will be published at the last meeting of the year for the following year
  • the Scottish Government will organise, chair and provide secretariat at meetings
  • members will have the opportunity to shape the agenda for each meeting, with a standing agenda item for updates on the work of the Social Security Directorate. The agenda will also reflect social security milestones
  • the Scottish Government will send out any information which is appropriate to members in between meetings
  • a platform for sharing information will be created and maintained by the Scottish Government
  • an action and issues log will be set up and maintained by the Scottish Government
  • terms of reference and minutes of meetings will be published on the Scottish Government webpage. The draft minutes will be published soon after the meeting, members will clear by email
  • members whose organisations are represented on other Social Security Reference / Advisory Groups will commit to feedback and share relevant outcomes thus ensuring the most effective use of cross- working partnerships


The organisations represented on this Group are listed in the table below. Additional members may be asked as necessary on an ad hoc basis and as agreed by existing members.

Member Organisation      
Polly Tolley Citizens Advice Scotland (CAS)      
Robert McGregor COSLA      
Euan MacKay NHS Health Scotland      
Marion Davis One Parent Families Scotland (OPFS)      
Peter Kelly Poverty Alliance      
Kirsty McKechnie CPAG (Child Poverty Action Group)      
Sheghley Ogilvie SCVO (Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations)      
Jeremy Hewer SFHA (The Scottish Federation of Housing Associations)      
Lucy Mulvagh The Alliance      
Hazel Mollison Age Scotland      
Colin Lee CEMVO (Council of Ethnic Minority Voluntary Sector Organisations)      
Emma Trottier Engender      
Suzanne Munday MECOPP (Minority Ethnic Carers)      
Bill Scott Inclusion Scotland      
Michael McMahon Disability Action Scotland (DAS)      
Claire Cairns Coalition of Carers representing national Scottish Carers organisations      
Jane Moffat (Chair) Scottish Government      
Kirsten Sweeney Scottish Government      
Jacqueline Brown (Secretariat) Scottish Government      
Jo-anne Lawson Scottish Government    





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