Trauma Responsive Social Work Services Partnership Delivery Group
The primary role of the Partnership Delivery Group is to provide advice, inform, share and progress agreed actions in the workplan, which aims to implement the national trauma training programme for social work services. This will help to ensure Scotland’s social work services are trauma-informed, and ultimately improves outcomes for people affected by trauma.
The group has a specific remit to:
- provide feedback on the proposed actions related to workforce education, skills and training
- provide advice, share information and inform activities to develop the national approach to implementation supports
- ensure there are active and continued mechanisms for collaboration and participation in the proposed plan with those with lived experience of trauma
- ensure the proposed work makes a considerable contribution to Plan 21-24 - The Promise, specifically in relation to supporting the workforce
- ensure that the work plan is actively monitored to review progress
- to work collaboratively with others where barriers to implementation are identified, in efforts to overcome these
- Care Inspectorate
- Children and Young Peoples Centre for Justice (CYCJ)
- Community Justice Scotland
- Higher Education Institutes Heads of Social Work
- Improvement Service
- NHS Education for Scotland
- Scottish Association for Social Work (SASW)
- Scottish Social Services Council (SSSC)
- Social Work Education Partnership (SWEP)
- Learning and Development Sub-Group, Social Work Scotland
- Who Cares? Scotland
Trauma Responsive Social Work Services Partnership Delivery Group: terms of reference
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