Ukraine Resettlement: Stakeholder Reference Group


We committed to establishing a ministerial-led stakeholder reference group to give a strong voice to Ukrainians who have arrived in Scotland through displacement, as a result of Russia’s illegal war against Ukraine. Its purpose is to ensure wide feedback and participation from the fullest range of stakeholders with an active interest.

The group operates in an advisory capacity, providing access to expertise in lived experience and subject matter. This includes Ukrainian community representatives, third sector and volunteer communities.

The establishment of the group was one of the recommendations in the Scotland's support for displaced people from Ukraine: Super Sponsor Scheme review. The group is co-chaired on a tripartite basis.

Representatives of local government, UK Government and other agencies may attend the meetings in an observer or advisory role and to provide updates where appropriate.

The group will operate alongside, but separate to, established governance structures for the Warm Scottish Welcome programme. The outputs of the group will be presented to the Scottish Government Delivery Board and shared with other relevant groups as appropriate.



  • Ms Emma Roddick, Minister for Equalities, Migration and Refugees
  • Mr Sabir Zazai, Chief Executive Officer of Scottish Refugee Council
  • Councillor Maureen Chalmers, COSLA Spokesperson for Community Wellbeing


  • Anna Kulish, Chair of Housing Group, Ukrainian Collective
  • Oleksandra Novatska, Chair of Language Group, Ukrainian Collective
  • Oleksandr Chernykh, Chair of Employment Group, Ukrainian Collective
  • Masha Allan, Management Team, ScotHosts
  • Emma McCarthy, Operations Manager for Scotland, Refugee Support, British Red Cross
  • Rob Murray, Director for Scotland, Health and Local Crisis Response, British Red Cross
  • Kirsty-Louise Hunt, Senior Policy and Public Affairs Lead, Barnardo’s Scotland
  • Bridie Ashrowan, CEO, Edinburgh Voluntary Organisations Council (EVOC)
  • John Hawryluk, Ukraine Project Coordinator, EVOC
  • Paul Wilson, Chief Officer, Volunteer Edinburgh
  • Olha Maksymiak, Communications Officer, AUGB Glasgow
  • Hannah Beaton-Hawryluk, Branch Chair, AUGB Edinburgh
  • Tanya Balanova, Community Coordinator, AUGB Edinburgh
  • Bohdan Kruk, Branch Chair, AUGB Dundee
  • Hannah Shepheard, Assistant Service Manager, Aberlour (Ukraine Children and Host Family Service)

Official Steering Group

  • Elodie Mignard, Senior Partnership Manager, Scottish Refugee Council (SRC)
  • Wafa Shaheen, Head of Asylum, Integration and Resettlement, Scottish Refugee Council (SRC)
  • Andrii Nadych, Community Development Officer, Scottish Refugee Council (SRC)
  • David Beauchamp, Policy Officer (Ukraine), Migration, Population and Diversity Team, COSLA


Ukraine Resettlement: Stakeholder Reference Group - terms of reference


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