United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) Implementation: Embedding in Public Services Group


Previously known as the Guidance Reference Group, this working group has widened its remit to provide support to the Embedding Children's Rights in Public Services strand of the UNCRC Implementation programme.

The purpose of this working group is to assist in developing guidance and support materials for public authorities and those undertaking functions of a public nature to implement the UNCRC.

The group will not be a substitute for full consultation in line with the provisions of the Bill. It is, however, intended to ensure that guidance is developed from the outset with the needs of public authorities and rights holders at the centre.

The group is intended to be flexible and able to provide more immediate feedback than is possible only through formal consultation procedures.



  • Abbie Montgomery-fox, Children's Hearings Scotland
  • Alison Sutherland, Social Work Scotland
  • Alistair Stobie, SOLAR
  • Cathy Asante, Scottish Human Rights Commission
  • Darren Little, Childr​en's Services Planning Strategic Lead, Dumfries and Galloway Council​​​​​
  • Deborah Davidson, ADES
  • Dragan Nastic, Strategic Lead - UNCRC, UNICEF UK
  • Eloise Di Gianni, The Observatory for Children's Human Rights Scotland
  • John McDiarmid, Police Scotland
  • Joanne Glennie, Operations and Business Manager, Right There
  • Julie Williams, CCPS (Coalition of Care and Support Providers in Scotland)
  • Juliet Harris, Together Scotland
  • Dr Kenneth Meechan, Glasgow City Council/SOLAR
  • Laura Conachan, Children's Hearings Scotland
  • Laura Crossan, Police Scotland
  • Lucinda Rivers, UNICEF UK
  • Maria Doyle, Together Scotland
  • Nancy Fancott, CCPS
  • Nicola Hogg, SOLAR
  • Peter McNaughton, ADES
  • Rebekah Cameron-Berry, COSLA (Coalition of Scottish Local Authorities)
  • Sarah Rodger, Legal Manager, Perth and Kinross Council (representing SOLAR, Scottish Local Authority Lawyers and Administrators in Scotland)
  • Suzanne Brown, SCRON (Scottish Children's Rights Officers Network)
  • Tamar Jamieson, Police Scotland


UNCRC Implementation Embedding in Public Services: terms of reference


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