Women’s Health Plan Implementation Programme Board


The programme board was established in January 2022, and is the decision-making body responsible for the delivery of the Women’s Health Plan programme. The board provides strategic oversight of the programme, and ensures that the 66 actions outlined within the Women’s Health Plan are implemented effectively and in partnership with a range of stakeholders across women’s health.

The board will meet twice annually.

Find more information in the terms of reference.


  • Marion Bain (Chair),  Interim Deputy Chief Medical Officer, Scottish Government
  • Corinne Love (Vice Chair), Senior Medical Officer, Scottish Government
  • Alastair Campbell, Academy of Royal Colleges and Faculties in Scotland
  • Andrew Horne, Speciality Advisor for gynaecology, University of Edinburgh
  • Catherine Murphy, Engender
  • Christine McLaughlin, Co-Director of Population Heath, Scottish Government
  • Sonya Scott, Public Health Scotland
  • Colin Duncan, Academy of Royal Colleges and Faculties in Scotland
  • Fiona Davies, Integration Joint Board (IJB) Chief Officers' Group
  • Frances Ewan, UNITE the Union
  • Greig Chalmers, Chief Medical Officer Policy Division, Scottish Government
  • Irene Oldfather, Health and Social Care Alliance
  • Jaki Lambert, Royal College of Midwives in Scotland
  • Juliette Murray, Centre for Sustainable Delivery
  • Jill Laspa, Convention of Scottish Local Authorities
  • Jim Miller, NHS 24, and NHS Board Chief Executive
  • Justine Craig, Chief Midwifery Officer, Scottish Government
  • Karen Leonard, GMB Union
  • Kirsty Brightwell, Scottish Association of Medical Directors
  • Laura Wilson, Royal Pharmaceutical Society
  • Linda Pollock, Interim Director for Healthcare Quality and Improvement, Scottish Government
  • Lynne McNiven, Scottish Directors of Public Health
  • Maria Pollard, NHS Education for Scotland
  • Nicola Gordon, Royal College of Nursing
  • Patricia Moultrie, British Medical Association
  • Pauline Beirne, Scottish Directors of Allied Health Professionals Group
  • Sarah Horan, Scottish Executive Nurse Directors
  • Tim McDonnell, Director of Primary Care, Scottish Government
  • Women’s Health Plan Team, Scottish Government
  • Professor Anna Glasier, Women’s Health Champion
  • Jenni Snell, Young Women’s Movement 

Associated members

  • Alison Scott, Edinburgh Medical School
  • Heather Currie, NHS Dumfries and Galloway
  • Maggie Simpson, NHS Golden Jubilee


Women’s Health Plan Implementation Programme Board: terms of reference

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