Energy Consumers Commission 2020-2021 workplan: consultation
A consultation on the Energy Consumers Commission's first work plan covering 2020-2021 ahead of the set up of Consumer Scotland in late 2021. Sets out proposed priorities for advocacy and specific projects to be completed.
1. Executive Summary
The energy market, and the role of consumers within it, is undergoing a period of significant change that is only expected to increase over the coming years. In order to address these changes, the Energy Consumers Commission has been established to strengthen the voice of energy consumers in Scotland.
An important part of this work will be tapping into and co-ordinating the information and knowledge available in grass roots organisations, helping to increase community engagement with national-scale strategic priorities.
This work plan sets out the overall aims of this body alongside the key issues it will look to address over 2020/2021 ahead of the establishment of Consumer Scotland in late 2021, we will review the work plan at the end of the 20/21 financial year to ensure that we remain focused on the issues that matter most to consumers in Scotland. Four key themes have been identified that will shape the work of the Commission in its first year: energy debt, supplier best practice and customer service, improving outcomes for vulnerable consumers and engagement with decarbonisation.
Building on these themes, we have also set out a programme of focused spending on research projects and campaigns utilising a portion of the energy advocacy levy. These proposed projects will help to build the evidence base needed to inform policy and key decisions in the energy market as well helping to increase the engagement and awareness of consumers themselves.
It is the Commission's aim that this first work plan will represent a significant step towards a fairer energy market for all to be built on by the work of the Commission and Consumer Scotland over the coming years.
Chair, Energy Consumers Commission
![Lewis Shand Smith<br />
Chair, Energy Consumers Commission](/binaries/content/gallery/publications/consultation-paper/2020/09/energy-consumers-commission-2020-2021-workplan-consultation2/SCT09201260881_g00.gif)
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