
Independent Review of Qualifications and Assessment: consultation - supplementary analysis

Supplementary report that should be read alongside the analysis of phase three consultation responses undertaken by Progressive Partnership.

1. Supplementary Analysis of Phase Three responses

This paper is a supplementary report that should be read alongside the analysis of Phase Three responses undertaken by Progressive Partnership.

Progressive Partnership were commissioned to undertake an external analysis of responses up to the original response deadline. This included 365 responses to the survey and detailed submissions from 21 CCGs received up to and including 14 April.

It was agreed that the deadline would be extended by three weeks to allow a greater number of schools to provide their responses. In order to ensure that responses after the original deadline were included in the overall analysis, The Scottish Government officials analysed these responses using the approach and analytical framework used by Progressive Partnership in their main analysis. This comprised 90 responses to the online survey and 30 responses received by email.

This report supplements the analysis provided in the main report, summarising and giving voice to the school and college respondents who responded between 15 and 31 April.



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