
Health and social care - integration authority guidance: consultation analysis

Consultation analysis report, following the consultation on health and social care integration authority planning and performance reporting statutory guidance.

1. Introduction

The strategic commissioning plans and performance reporting statutory guidance were initially published by the Scottish Government in 2015 and 2016 respectively. The purpose of the statutory guidance is to support integration authorities, who plan and direct the delivery of health and social care services, to produce strategic plans and annual performance reports.

Strategic plans and performance reports are requirements under the Public Bodies (Joint Working) (Scotland) Act 2014 (“the 2014 Act”), which, more broadly, sets the framework for the integration of health and social care by establishing integration authorities. Secondary legislation, in the form of regulations, sets out further information and requirements related to strategic plans and performance reports.

Towards the end of 2022, the Scottish Government brought together a working group of partners from across health and social care to review and, where needed, refresh the guidance. The working group included organisations that represent supported people, carer organisations, those who plan and oversee the delivery of services, and many more partner organisations. Annex A lists the working group membership.

Reviewing and refreshing the guidance provided an opportunity to reflect on what has been achieved through the integration of health and social care and, moving forward, to continue to collectively shape and support improvement in the planning and monitoring of local services.

Re-drafts of the guidance were produced through engagement with the working group. The aim was to capture further feedback and views on these revised guidance documents through the public consultation. The consultation feedback also highlighted where more substantial changes may be required, including legislative changes, and the themes arising from this work remain important as we continue on the path towards developing further support for our health and social care system through the National Care Service.

The Scottish Government is grateful to those who have engaged with the consultation and provided feedback, which has assisted in improving the guidance.



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