Revising small area statistics geographies – data zones and intermediate zones: consultation

Data Zones and Intermediate Zones are small area geographies used in the production of official statistics in Scotland. They were first introduced in 2004 and revised in 2014. The purpose of this consultation is to seek feedback from users on proposals to update these geographies.

Key Points

  • Data Zones and Intermediate Zones are small area geographies used in the production of official statistics in Scotland.
  • Data Zones serve two main functions in the production of official statistics. Firstly, they provide a standard, stable geography for the production and publication of statistics at a local area on a wide range of topics. Secondly, aggregations of Data Zones can be used to provide estimates for higher level geographies where official statistics might not otherwise be available.
  • Intermediate Zones are similar to Data Zones but cover a larger area and population. They are intended to be used to produce local area statistics where statistics cannot be published at Data Zone level due to risk of disclosing sensitive information.
  • We need to revise Data Zones and Intermediate Zones because of changes to population and other geographical boundaries since they were last revised in 2014. In particular, the proposed changes have been produced to align with new population data from the 2022 Census.
  • The purpose of this consultation is to seek feedback from users on our proposed revisions to Data Zones and Intermediate Zones.
  • The proposed Data Zones and Intermediate Zones are available to view at Proposed statistical geographies and download at Data Zones and Intermediate Zones consultation - Overview.
  • Responses to this consultation are invited by 1st October 2024. Please respond to this consultation using the Scottish Government’s consultation hub.
  • We aim to publish finalised Data Zones and Intermediate Zones as soon as possible following the conclusion of this consultation, and before the end of 2024.



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