
45,000 Baby Boxes delivered in 2019

Parents and new-borns across Scotland benefitting.

More than 45,000 baby boxes have been delivered to expectant parents in 2019.

The health board area which received the most Baby Boxes was Greater Glasgow and Clyde, with 11,258 babies being welcomed by a box, while 174 babies on the Western Isles received boxes. This year, the box which travelled the furthest was delivered to one of the northernmost isles of Shetland, more than 400 miles from the depot in Leith where the boxes are stored.

Across Scotland 96% of parents are taking up the opportunity of getting a Baby Box, while the latest parent survey shows 100% satisfaction with the box and contents, which include a digital ear thermometer, clothes and a blanket.

The boxes were redesigned by a team of children and young people earlier this year to feature iconic landmarks such as Ben Nevis, Glenfinnan Viaduct and Edinburgh Castle.

Children’s Minister Maree Todd said:

“I would like to thank everyone involved - from organisations providing items, to box packers, to the health workers delivering the boxes – for making sure every child gets the best start in life.

“We now have 96% of expectant parents requesting a Baby Box, a big rise on the 85% when they were first launched in 2017. In total we have now delivered more than 115,000 boxes to families across Scotland which is a huge vote of confidence.

"The Baby Box provides essential products for families and babies and can bring much-needed comfort to those who might not have family or friends around to shower their little one with gifts when they arrive, especially over Christmas and New Year.”

Each box contains a large number of essential items for parents and babies, while the box itself comes with a mattress and can be used as a safe sleep space.

Research into parents' views taken in December 2017 shows 100% are either satisfied or very satisfied with the overall quality of the contents.

Find out more at Parent Club Scotland 

Number of boxes delivered January 1 2019 - December 15 2019

NHS Ayrshire and Arran - 2847

NHS Borders - 828

NHS Dumfries and Galloway - 1075

NHS Fife - 2938

NHS Forth Valley - 2391

NHS Grampian - 5016

NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde - 11258

NHS Highland – 2243

NHS Lanarkshire - 5234

NHS Lothian - 7845

NHS Orkney - 170

NHS Shetland - 204

NHS Tayside - 3335

NHS Western Isles - 174

Total - 45558


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