
£500,000 Small Grants Programme opens

Support for international development agencies in Scotland.

Scottish-based international development organisations can apply for a share of £500,000 to expand their work overseas and assist their growth at home.

The Small Grants Programme is designed to help some of the world’s most vulnerable people and communities and is open to small Scottish-based Non-Governmental Organisations (NGOs).

Since 2014, the fund has aided 40 Scottish NGO’s in Scotland’s priority countries, including Malawi, Rwanda, Tanzania, Zambia, Pakistan, Bangladesh and the Indian States of Bihar, Madhya Pradesh and Orissa.

Doctor Alasdair Allan, Minister for International Development and Europe, said:

“The Scottish Government’s Small Grants Programme has provided over £1.3 million over the last three years, which has enabled Scottish agencies to increase their capacity whilst continuing to deliver assistance to some of the world’s most vulnerable communities.

“The programme is strengthening the Scottish third sector by creating more opportunities for people to get involved in vital development work overseas. I encourage all Scottish-based NGO’s to consider applying this year.”

Fiona Duncan, Chief Executive of Lloyds TSB Foundation for Scotland, which administers the programme for the Scottish Government, said:

“The Foundation is delighted to continue working with the Scottish Government to deliver a further year of the Small Grants Programme which provides vital funding for a range of projects, as well as feasibility studies and capacity building support.”

Jane Salmonson, Chief Executive of the Network of International Development Organisations in Scotland (NIDOS), said:

“We warmly welcome another small grants round. It will make the world of difference to Scotland’s small charities trying to achieve minor miracles overseas. We applaud the Scottish Government’s recognition of the multiplier effect that can be achieved by small groups here at home in partnership with groups and communities overseas.”

David Hope-Jones, Principal Officer of the Scotland Malawi Partnership, said:

"In recent years we have seen this innovative new programme transform many lives across Malawi. By investing in smaller grants and working through smaller organisations, the Scottish Government is able to impact otherwise hard-to-reach communities in countries like Malawi.”

Notes to editors

The programme, administered by Lloyds TSB Foundation for Scotland, is designed to accommodate smaller funding requests. Project grants up to £60,000 are available for over a three year period. A maximum of £10,000 for feasibility and capacity building grants are also available, to cover a one year period.


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