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Showing 12 news items about Programme for Government

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  1. June Programme for Government

    Immediate focus on Scotland’s priorities.

  2. Tobacco age of sale to be raised and single-use vapes banned

    Moves to protect children agreed after four-nations consultation.

  3. Ensuring Adult Disability Payments meet people’s needs

    Edel Harris appointed to chair independent review.

  4. Increasing housing availability using the tax system

    Legislation passed on council tax on second and empty homes.

  5. Building a greener future

    Aggregates Tax Bill to encourage use of recycled materials in construction.

  6. Improving social security

    New bill will make system more efficient and effective.

  7. Prioritising homes for living in

    Council tax premium on second homes.

  8. Making Scotland’s buildings safer

    Cladding legislation announced in Programme for Government.

  9. Growing the economy and tackling poverty

    2023-24 Programme for Government published.  

  10. Childcare expansion to help families

    Support with cost of living pressures.

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