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Showing 218 news items about Constitution and democracy

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  1. Extend Brexit transition during COVID-19 crisis

    Cabinet Secretary: “We cannot risk double hit of coronavirus and No Deal.”

  2. Emergency coronavirus powers

    UK Coronavirus Bill supported by MSPs.

  3. Scotland’s voice must be heard

    Cabinet Secretary updates MSPs on EU talks.

  4. Right to vote extended

    Approval for Scottish Elections (Franchise and Representation) Bill.

  5. Scotland's commitment to the EU

    New document reveals continued partnership.

  6. Plan for Scottish Visa

    Paper highlights acute need for powers over immigration policy.

  7. More support for veterans

    Improvements in key services targeted.

  8. Clarity needed on Northern Ireland funding

    Implications on Scottish Budget.

  9. Protecting Scotland’s standards for trade

    Any new trade deals must avoid ‘race to the bottom’.

  10. Approval for Referendums Bill

    Scotland ‘closer to deciding its own future’

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