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Showing 862 news items about Coronavirus (COVID-19) in Scotland

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  1. Self-isolation for all travellers returning from six African countries

    Decision taken to protect public health in Scotland in light of emerging variant.

  2. Contact tracing workforce safeguarded

    £33.1 million to retain over 500 posts.

  3. Autumn/Winter vaccination milestone

    One and half million third doses and boosters delivered.

  4. Extra funds for Covid-19 response overseas

    Total of £5 million committed to fight pandemic.

  5. Negative test becomes part of certification scheme

    Expanded testing needed to keep cases down.

  6. Business Ventilation Fund

    Applications for £25 million fund to open.

  7. Expanding primary care

    £7 million to improve and grow the primary care estate.

  8. Use of bail and remand consultation launches

    Victim safety at the heart of proposed changes to the use of custody.

  9. Online portal for Autumn/Winter vaccination programme

    Advance booking facility for booster and flu jabs.

  10. Hospitals roll out three-in-one winter virus tests

    £5 million investment to help ease patient congestion.

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