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Showing all 7898 news items

  1. Support for equality in agriculture

    Range of practical training courses for women.

  2. Creating a wellbeing economy

    Measuring economic, social and environmental prosperity.

  3. Supporting innovation in agriculture

    Fund of more than £200m to back innovative projects. 

  4. Update on Medication Assisted Treatment Standards

    Minister details new oversight arrangements to drive improvement.

  5. Managing Scotland’s finances

    Maintaining a balanced budget to fund key priorities.

  6. Scottish Prison Population Statistics 2020-21

    An Official Statistics Publication for Scotland 23 June 2022.

  7. Safeguarding food security

    Report from Scotland’s food security taskforce published.

  8. UK Bill of Rights condemned

    Call for Scottish Parliament to be consulted.

  9. EU law reform

    Minister says UK legislation risks ‘race to the bottom’.

  10. Strengthening Scotland’s response to severe weather

    Update on progress following Storm Arwen report.

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