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Showing all 7898 news items

  1. Economic Crime Bill

    Greater powers to fight corruption.

  2. NHS fertility treatment to resume for unvaccinated women

    Temporary pause lifted after review of emerging evidence.

  3. Investing in Scotland’s new green workforce

    Economic strategy prioritises collaboration to ensure skills for the future.

  4. Critical aid for Ukraine

    Second donation of medical supplies.

  5. Supporting Gaelic communities

    New working group to consider economic opportunities.

  6. A’ taiceadh choimhearsnachdan Gàidhlig

    Buidheann-gnìomha ùr gus meòrachadh chothroman eaconamach

  7. Stop trading with Russia

    Businesses urged to show solidarity to Ukraine.

  8. Gender Recognition Reform Bill

    Simplifying how trans people apply for a Gender Recognition Certificate.

  9. Dental services for all

    Revised arrangements will reward dentists for seeing more NHS patients.

  10. Public backing for Anne’s Law

    Consultation finds ‘almost unanimous’ support for care home visit rights.

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