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Showing all 7899 news items

  1. COVID-19 cases as of 27 December 2021

    Breakdown of daily figures over the festive break.

  2. Call to get booster in last week of the year

    Five days left to get ‘boosted by the bells’.

  3. Omicron restrictions take effect

    Measures to limit the spread of new variant.

  4. Mental health over the festive season

    Support available for those who may be struggling.

  5. Testing will continue through the holiday period

    Sites to remain open every day.

  6. Request for additional military personnel approved

    Support to help manage growing pressures.

  7. Progress for booster programme

    More than 70% of eligible adults have had their booster or third dose.

  8. Nightclubs to close

    Closure to be reviewed in three weeks and follows consultation with sector.

  9. Eradicating fuel poverty

    New strategy to make homes safer, warmer and cheaper to heat.

  10. Nursing and midwifery student intake

    New trainee numbers double in last decade.

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