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Showing all 7899 news items

  1. Protecting the rights of young people

    Scotland signs up to UNICEF declaration on children, youth and climate action.

  2. Blue Carbon International Policy Challenge

    International collaborations to support our seas and oceans.

  3. Scotland to boost climate funding

    First Minister calls on leaders to step up and secure successful outcome.

  4. Planning to reach net zero

    Creating more town centre homes and local services to help fight climate change.

  5. Response to COP26 draft agreement

    First Minister urges leaders to go further.

  6. Boosting carbon storage in agricultural soil

    Scotland signs up to 4 per 1000 initiative.

  7. Making Scotland a leading hydrogen producer

    Over £100 million to advance cleaner energy.

  8. Celebrating Gender Day at COP26

    Pledge on climate change and inequalities.

  9. Pharmacies ensuring swift patient care

    More than 2 million consultations with NHS Pharmacy First.

  10. Climate justice essential at COP26

    First Minister says Global South voices must be heard.

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