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Showing all 7899 news items

  1. Grants for tenants in rent arrears

    £10m to help people worst affected by pandemic to avoid eviction.

  2. Tackling mental health stigma and discrimination

    See Me awarded continued funding.

  3. Tuilleadh oidichean son sgoiltean eileanach

    Pròiseact a’ cur taic ri ath-shlànachadh eaconamaiceach.

  4. More tutors for island schools

    Project to support economic recovery.

  5. Vaccination appointments for 12-15 year olds

    Invitations being sent out by letter.

  6. Security needed for EU Citizens

    Minister urges UK Government to continue social security support.

  7. International travel testing updated

    Scotland to align with UK testing regime.

  8. Giving care home residents the right to see and spend time with those who are important to them

    Views sought on the best way to introduce ‘Anne’s Law’.

  9. Milestone for equality in schools *UPDATED RELEASE*

    Roll-out of LGBT inclusive education.

  10. Child Winter Heating Assistance eligibility extended

    Extra money for more than 19,400 disabled children and young people.

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