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Showing all 7899 news items

  1. Addressing depopulation on Scotland’s islands

    Launch of consultation.

  2. A’ dèiligeadh ri dì-dhaoineachadh anns na h-eileanan

    Cuir air bhog co-chomhairle.

  3. Nutritional support for young children

    Scottish Milk and Healthy Snack Scheme launches.

  4. Vaccinations for young people with certain conditions

    Children and young people aged 12-17 from key groups to be offered COVID-19 vaccine.

  5. Support for green ports proposals

    Notes of interest expressed by organisations across Scotland.

  6. Drug-related death statistics 2020

    Minister says figures are “heart-breaking”.

  7. Water shortages support

    Bottled water provided to affected households.

  8. £1m to tackle social isolation and loneliness

    First round of £10 million funding for groups affected by pandemic.

  9. Expanding the NHS Golden Jubilee

    Health Secretary officially opens national ‘Eye Centre’ and announces £11.5m additional funding to cut waiting times.

  10. Emergency response to drug overdose

    Ambulance clinicians issue life-saving kits.

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