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Showing 739 news items about Equality and rights

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  1. Eradicating fuel poverty

    New strategy to make homes safer, warmer and cheaper to heat.

  2. DFM condemns ‘irresponsible’ attack on human rights

    Letter to UK Lord Chancellor and Secretary of State for Justice.

  3. Supporting NHS gender identity services

    £9 million to improve gender identity healthcare.

  4. Adult Disability Payment launch dates announced

    New Applications to open in March

  5. Support for women involved in prostitution

    Funding will also tackle illegal sharing of intimate images on the internet.

  6. Transparent face masks introduced to NHS Scotland

    Help for people with communication needs.

  7. New winter heating benefit

    Annual investment of £20 million to help low income households.

  8. Death in custody review

    Two year review recommends independent body investigates prison deaths.

  9. Doubling the Scottish Child Payment

    First Minister announces £20 payment from April.

  10. Progress on tackling prostitution

    Key steps in development of new model for Scotland.

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