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Showing all 7899 news items

  1. Additional funding to help people with eating disorders

    £5 million to help respond to increased cases.

  2. Increasing capacity for drugs services

    Funding to help get more people into treatment.

  3. Balanced budget despite pandemic pressures

    Funding allocated to boost recovery in 2021-22.

  4. Maoin ùr air fhosgladh airson coimhearsnachdan eileanach

    A’ lìbhrigeadh ath-shlànachadh eaconamach uaine.

  5. New fund opens for island communities

    Delivering a green economic recovery.

  6. Alcohol sales fell to 26-year low in 2020

    Minister welcomes figures but pledges further action

  7. Financial redress for survivors of abuse in care

    Chair of independent body announced.

  8. Early learning and childcare expansion

    More children receiving 1,140 funded hours.

  9. Sustainable economic recovery

    Support for people to upskill and retrain.

  10. Surgical robots for NHS Scotland

    £20 million for advanced technology to treat cancer.

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