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Showing 862 news items about Coronavirus (COVID-19) in Scotland

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  1. Volunteers supporting vaccination roll-out

    Thousands of hours contributed to national programme.

  2. Accelerating the vaccination programme

    Military to help increase number of appointments.

  3. Portugal placed on amber travel list

    Change made following concerns over spread of Delta variant.

  4. Financial clarity call ahead of summit

    Extend furlough scheme for as long as it is needed, FM urges UK Government

  5. Cautious easing of restrictions

    Glasgow to move to Level 2 and Scotland remains on the right track.

  6. NHS Scotland Assure

    New service for healthcare facilities.

  7. Protection Levels update

    Glasgow to move to Level 2 from 5 June

  8. Promoting tourism

    New £3 million fund to help industry rebuild.  

  9. Scotland's Recovery

    First Minister sets out priorities for Government.

  10. Scotland’s response to the COVID-19 crisis in India

    More than 100 ventilators and medical equipment donated.

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