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Showing 739 news items about Equality and rights

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  1. Increased funding to tackle fuel poverty and climate change

    £64 million for local heat and energy efficiency projects

  2. Young people urged to apply for Job Start Payment

    Social media campaign kicks-off for benefit to 16 - 24 year olds

  3. Civil partnerships for all couples

    Equality of choice as landmark legislation takes effect.

  4. Help for women involved in prostitution

    £90,000 to support those impacted by COVID-19.

  5. Free school meals

    90,000 children to benefit.

  6. Improving accommodation for Gypsy/Traveller communities

    £20 million fund for local authorities to establish model sites.

  7. £1 million for Armed Forces charities

    Opening of fund to help vital sector recover from pandemic.

  8. Best Start Grant boost for parents

    Financial support for school costs and healthy foods.  

  9. Scottish Child Payment helps nearly 79,000 young people

    New benefit to tackle child poverty pays out £3.6 million since February.

  10. Child poverty gradually rising

    Latest National and Official Statistics published.

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