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Showing 862 news items about Coronavirus (COVID-19) in Scotland

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  1. Homelessness and Universal Credit

    Report outlines link to people losing their homes.

  2. Timetable for further lockdown easing

    Stay Local rule to apply from 2 April.

  3. Launch of new vaccination campaign

    Self-registration service for unpaid carers.

  4. £533 million paid to businesses since November

    New figures show scale of ongoing financial support.

  5. Potential further case of new variant

    Contact tracing underway.

  6. Changes to Level 4 restrictions

    Cautious acceleration of lockdown easing.

  7. Under 60s to begin receiving vaccination invitations

    Vaccine roll-out continues at pace.

  8. Rental sector loan schemes extended

    Tenants and landlords can apply for support beyond 31 March.

  9. No further cases of new COVID-19 variant

    Enhanced contact tracing complete.

  10. Second doses given to more than half of care home residents

    The injection gives people longer lasting protection.

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