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Showing 242 news items about Brexit

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  1. Impact of Brexit during a pandemic

    Immigration changes required to tackle labour shortages.

  2. Security needed for EU Citizens

    Minister urges UK Government to continue social security support.

  3. Concern over importation checks delay

    Rural Affairs Secretary writes to UK Government.

  4. Physical proof of status should be offered to EU citizens

    Joint letter from devolved governments calls for additional safeguard.

  5. Funding support for fishing and marine businesses

    Announcement comes during Holyrood food and drink debate.

  6. Creative professionals must have visa-free travel

    UK Government should negotiate deal.

  7. Answers needed on UK’s replacement for EU funds

    Urgent clarity required

  8. Finding the future of tourism and hospitality

    New recruitment drive for tourism and hospitality sectors.

  9. Damaging legacy of Brexit

    Scotland has right to choose different future.

  10. ‘Scotland is a better country because you are here’ - FM

    Failure to extend EU Settlement Scheme deadline ‘unacceptable’.

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