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Showing 344 news items about Housing

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  1. Extended relief for councils buying affordable housing

    Increasing exemptions to additional properties tax.

  2. Increasing housing availability using the tax system

    Legislation passed on council tax on second and empty homes.

  3. Quarterly Housing Statistics to end September 2023

    An Accredited Official Statistics Publication for Scotland.

  4. Helping Ukrainians into longer term housing

    Steps to provide displaced people with accommodation stability.

  5. Ambitious step change outlined for greener and warmer buildings in Scotland

    Proposals to replace fossil fuel heating with clean heating and improve energy efficiency

  6. Encouraging innovation in Green Heat Finance

    Expert report maps opportunities and barriers to financing heat transition

  7. Short Term Lets Licensing Statistics, to 30 June 2023

    An Official Statistics Publication for Scotland.

  8. Council Tax premium on second homes

    Draft legislation aiming to prioritise homes for living in.

  9. Cladding Remediation Bill published

    New powers to tackle unsafe cladding.

  10. Rural and Islands Housing Action Plan

    Delivering more homes in rural and island areas.

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