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Showing 133 news items about Scottish Budget

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  1. Balancing Scotland’s budget

    Funding to tackle poverty and support fair pay deals.

  2. Financial strategy published

    Plan to grow economy, target spending and deliver progressive tax system.

  3. Public sector pay strategy published

    Proposals ‘balance fairness with affordability and fiscal sustainability’.

  4. A ‘missed opportunity’ for meaningful action

    DFM says Spring Budget falls short on vital lifelines.

  5. Scottish Budget Bill passed

    Further support for councils, culture sector and island ferries.

  6. A social contract with Scotland

    Final stage of 2023-24 Budget Bill.

  7. MSPs urged to support spending plans

    Scottish Budget 2023-24 reaches Stage One vote.

  8. Funding of more than £13.2 billion for councils

    New deal for local government as allocations published.

  9. Budget protects rural and island economy

    Payments to farmers made early to mitigate cost of living crisis.

  10. Budget prioritises £3.4 billion for justice

    Critical services supported despite challenging economic climate.

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