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Showing all 7904 news items

  1. Extending PPE access to all social care providers

    Supplies to be given to unpaid and family carers and personal assistants.

  2. Emergency eye care provision

    New centres to reduce the need to attend hospital.

  3. Securing vital COVID-19 supplies for Scotland

    Offers of help from more than 1,600 businesses and individuals.

  4. Help for childhood abuse victims

    Survivor support still available.

  5. Urgent medical help still available

    New campaign urges people to contact a doctor.

  6. Hate Crime Bill

    Working Group to consider standalone offence on misogynistic harassment.

  7. Looking beyond lockdown

    First Minister opens discussion on “new normal”.

  8. Lifeline support for business confirmed

    Support for the newly self-employed and firms suffering hardship to be paid in early May.  

  9. Short-term prisoners considered for early release

    Further safeguard for those working and living in prisons amid COVID-19 outbreak.

  10. Social distancing regulations strengthened

    Temporary regulations confirmed and extended to protect workers.

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