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Showing 447 news items about Children and families

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  1. Tackling food poverty

    Increased funding to support children and families.

  2. Minimum age of criminal responsibility

    Bill introduced to Parliament.

  3. Family nurses helping to deliver

    More than 30,000 Baby Boxes now received.

  4. Learning outdoors

    More than £860k to increase outdoor learning in the early years.

  5. Young Carers Awareness Day

    Scottish Government continues support for young carers

  6. Universal Credit contributing to child poverty

    ‘Broken’ benefits system failing Scotland’s families.

  7. Meeting the needs of young people

    Improved rights for children with additional support needs.

  8. £97,000 airson Ionad Gàidhlig

    Thèid an tabhartas gus tràth-bhliadhnaichean agus ionnsachadh didseatach a leasachadh

  9. 2018: Baby boxes

    First baby boxes of the new year delivered.

  10. Supporting premature babies

    £1.5 million Family Fund to help meet costs.

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