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Showing 133 news items about Scottish Budget

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  1. Investing in social security

    Budget focus on child poverty.

  2. Record £19 billion for Health and Social Care

    Supporting fair pay and sustainable services

  3. Tax changes to support Scotland’s vital public services

    Revenue to deliver £1 billion uplift in NHS funding.

  4. Scottish Budget 2023-24

    Strengthening the social contract with Scotland’s people.

  5. A Budget for a fair Scotland

    Spending plan will protect families and public services.

  6. Households ‘paying a steep price for UK economic mismanagement'

    No measures to ease pressure on devolved budgets.

  7. Warning against a return to austerity

    Calls for inflationary uplift to Scottish Budget.

  8. A new approach to work

    Paper outlines plans for fairer labour market.

  9. Date set for 2023-24 Scottish Budget

    Tax and spending plans to be published on 15 December.

  10. Emergency Budget Review

    Leading economists to give expert advice.

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