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Search results 1

Showing 594 news items about Communities and third sector

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  1. Scottish Commission on Social Security

    New independent body to hold system “to account”.

  2. More social security rights

    Social security applicants guaranteed support.

  3. Energy summit

    Doing more to support vulnerable consumers.

  4. Universal Credit contributing to child poverty

    ‘Broken’ benefits system failing Scotland’s families.

  5. Supporting Scotland's social enterprises

    Looking back on a year of investment.

  6. £97,000 airson Ionad Gàidhlig

    Thèid an tabhartas gus tràth-bhliadhnaichean agus ionnsachadh didseatach a leasachadh

  7. Scottish Welfare Fund

    Figures highlight impact of UK Government cuts.

  8. Designing communities

    People to have say in designs for their area.

  9. £14 million for young people and communities

    More than 100 organisations to benefit from funding.

  10. Steps taken to make social security more local

    Agreement reached with COSLA.

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