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Showing 445 news items about Children and families

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  1. Protecting children’s rights in Scots law

    Parliament to reconsider UN Convention on the Rights of the Child Bill.

  2. Pay uplift commitment for Social Care and Childcare Staff

    £12 an hour pledge to help sector.

  3. Childcare expansion to help families

    Support with cost of living pressures.

  4. Scottish Child Payment reaches more than 316,000

    New figures show 13,000 rise in children and young people benefitting

  5. New national allowance for foster and kinship carers

    Important step in Keeping the Promise.

  6. Supporting Birth Parents fund

    Corra Foundation to manage Birth Parent Support grants.

  7. Outdoor play funding

    Thousands of children to benefit.

  8. Strengthening the safety net

     Action plan to ensure Scottish Welfare Fund reaches those in most need.

  9. Advancing children’s rights

    Update on incorporating UN Convention into Scots law.

  10. Age-appropriate care and justice

    Bill passes Stage One.

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