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Showing all 7758 news items

  1. Recruiting and retaining childminders

    Supporting the Early Learning and Childcare sector.

  2. National engagement on NHS Reform

    £5 million for health research projects.

  3. Progress in tackling child poverty

    Annual report published.

  4. Record high peatland restoration

    Improving climate change resilience.

  5. Post Office Horizon victims to be exonerated

    Bill passed to provide justice to wrongly convicted sub-postmasters.

  6. Supporting public services

    Public Sector Pay Policy published.

  7. Monthly GDP Estimates for March

    An Official Statistics in Development publication for Scotland.

  8. Visitor Levy Bill passed

    Local authorities empowered to invest in tourism.

  9. Improving the lives of people with diabetes

    Increased access to Diabetes technologies.

  10. Delivering the best start in life

    Over £829 million in social security payments providing boost for families.  

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