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Showing all 7908 news items

  1. Withdrawal Bill amendments 'undermine devolution', says Minister

    Response to publication of UK Government amendments.

  2. Review of disclosure law

    Changes proposed for those working with vulnerable people.

  3. Bankruptcy numbers level off in Scotland

    Accountant in Bankruptcy provisional figures for 2017-18 show similar sequestration numbers year-on-year.

  4. Tackling sexual violence and harassment on campus

    New toolkit to address gender-based violence in universities and colleges.

  5. Scottish Insolvency Statistics: January to March 2018 (2017-18 Quarter 4)

    An Official Statistics Publication for Scotland.

  6. Salmon and Sea Trout Fishery Statistics 2017 Season

    An Official Statistics Publication for Scotland.

  7. Treas Sgoil Ghàidhlig ann an Glaschu

    Leas Phrìomh Mhinistear air £1.9 millean de mhaoineachadh ainmeachadh dhan phròiseact.

  8. Further progress needed to protect devolution

    Way forward proposed to ensure no restriction on the Scottish Parliament.

  9. Getting set for European Championships

    Fiona Hyslop in Berlin as preparations continue for jointly hosted tournament.

  10. Planning application decision times published

    An Official Statistics Publication for Scotland.

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