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  1. Scottish productivity growth four times faster than UK

    Output per hour worked more than 9% higher than pre-recession.

  2. A million ways to support social enterprises

    Funding to promote and drive growth in the sector.

  3. Budget boost for economy and public services

    Additional funding for Enterprise, policing and local government.

  4. Green Investment Bank

    Cabinet Secretary receives confirmation on protection of Scotland interests during sale.

  5. International exports rise by £1 billion

    Membership of new Trade Board confirmed

  6. Scotland’s Exports Increase

    A National Statistics Publication for Scotland.

  7. Green Investment Bank

    Assurances received over strategic importance of Green Investment Bank.

  8. Tourist spend soars

    Sharp rise in North American visitors.

  9. GDP statistics

    Cabinet Secretary for Economy, Jobs and Fair Work, Keith Brown, comments on GDP statistics.

  10. Reducing nuisance calls

    Steps to combat issue to be discussed at second Nuisance Call Commission.

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