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Showing all 7908 news items

  1. Supporting Scotland's social enterprises

    Looking back on a year of investment.

  2. Flu rates

    Figures show rates are rising.

  3. £97,000 airson Ionad Gàidhlig

    Thèid an tabhartas gus tràth-bhliadhnaichean agus ionnsachadh didseatach a leasachadh

  4. Bumper year for major events

    European Championships among 2018 highlights.

  5. EEA workers vital to economy

    New report finds seafood processing sector reliant on non-UK workers.

  6. Quit smoking your way

    New poster to signpost services.

  7. A&E attendance

    20% rise in demand in run up to festive period.

  8. 2018: Baby boxes

    First baby boxes of the new year delivered.

  9. The NHS in Scotland turns 70 in 2018

    Anniversary year marked by significant achievements.   

  10. A decade of transport investment

    Transport infrastructure gives Scottish economy confidence

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