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Showing all 7758 news items

  1. Health and Care Experience Survey 2023/24 Results Published

    An Accredited Official Statistics Publication

  2. New tech tool to tackle NHS waiting lists

    National theatre scheduling software to increase procedures.

  3. Tackling pyrotechnic misuse at football

    Expert group to consider current legislation.

  4. £5 million for Scotland's island communities

    Funding to tackle rising costs and invest in local infrastructure.

  5. Short Term Lets Licensing Statistics, to 31 December 2023

    An Official Statistics Publication for Scotland.

  6. Eradicating child poverty

    Funding to expand access to childcare services.

  7. June Programme for Government

    Immediate focus on Scotland’s priorities.

  8. National mathematics specialist appointed

    Improving Scotland’s curriculum.

  9. New training facility for NHS Scotland workforce

    State-of-the-art facilities will help to improve patient care. 

  10. Priorities for Scotland

    Eradicating child poverty is First Minister’s central mission.

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