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Showing all 7910 news items

  1. Progress at Brexit meeting

    Principles approved but no agreement on EU exit issues.

  2. Travel disruption warning

    Update on severe weather.

  3. Stopping nuisance calls

    1,200 vulnerable people will be protected.

  4. Minister calls for Holyrood to unite on rail deal

    Demand for fair funding for Scotland's railway

  5. Economy Secretary visits US and Canada

    Promoting Scotland internationally.

  6. Food and drink exports hit half-year high

    Importance of continued access to EU market shown.

  7. Maoineachadh airson a' Mhòid Nàiseanta

    Tabhartas bliadhnail air a ghairm leis an LPM airson seasmhachd a’ Mhòid a dhìon.  

  8. Hate has no home in Scotland

    Campaign to increase understanding and reporting of hate crime.  

  9. Scotland and the new north

    FM: Tackling climate change a ‘moral imperative’ – and an economic opportunity.

  10. International spend up

    Rise in overseas visitors coming to Scotland.

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