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Showing 218 news items about Constitution and democracy

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  1. Internal Market Bill should be abandoned

    Parliament rejects consent for “deeply damaging” Bill.

  2. Survey shows high levels of trust in Scottish Government

    94% of public think it is important to vote.

  3. Attitudes to government and political engagement

    An Official Statistics Publication.

  4. Internal Market Bill

    Legislative Consent Memorandum published.

  5. First Minister calls for urgent four nation coronavirus talks

    Scale and urgency of the situation demands joint working to find solutions.

  6. Finance Ministers' "deep concern" over UK Internal Market Bill

    Spending proposals would “reverse devolution”.

  7. Concern over new Brexit law

    Internal Markets Bill threatens Scottish economy.

  8. UK Internal Market Bill

    Scottish Government consent impossible.

  9. Positive change in internal migration

    Flow from rest of UK to Scotland on the rise.

  10. Social care amongst several roles that must be on Shortage Occupation List

    One in ten social care workers are migrants making a vital contribution.

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