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Showing 739 news items about Equality and rights

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  1. Promoting fair work

    Expert advisory group aims to improve fairness in the workplace

  2. Protecting migrants’ rights in an independent Scotland

    Proposal to create Migrants’ Commissioner.

  3. Financial support for islanders

    Fresh funding to ease cost of living impact on communities and businesses.

  4. Building stronger social connections

    Organisations awarded share of £3.2 million fund.

  5. Encouraging Fair Work

    New conditions on public sector grants.

  6. Advancing children’s rights

    Update on incorporating UN Convention into Scots law.

  7. Protecting people seeking refuge in Scotland

    Summit discusses collective effort to mitigate UK Government’s Illegal Migration Bill.

  8. Embedding rights into the Constitution

    First Minister: Equality and rights at the heart of an independent Scotland’s Constitution.

  9. Human Rights Bill consultation

    Incorporating United Nations treaties into domestic law.

  10. Progress in tackling child poverty

    Report published on Tackling Child Poverty Delivery Plan.

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